
Thanks for participating in our survey about the use of recyclate - the survey is closed - next step are personal interviews

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Our survey on the use of plastic recyclate was aimed at companies from the entire value chain. With your participation you contributed to the knowledge base for the development of our toolbox. The Toolbox will be designed to provide digital solutions that improve the use of recyclate. The more precisely you answer the questions, the better we can design the solutions. Join in and benefit from the results later. The survey is anonymous. If you are interested in using the resulting tools, you can contact us directly via the addresses on the start page. The survey is available in English and German. Thank you very much again for helping us developing useful tools! The next step are expert interviews in order to get a deeper understanding of the challenges when using recyclate. If you have specific challenges in your value chain while using recyclate, you might be an interesting partner for such an interview. Don't hesitate to contact one of the partners on the landing page that fits best for your convenience. Tell us which tools would help you to improve the uptake of recyclate. Read More

Next Step - expert interviews - you can be part of it

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With our survey we got first insights into the challenges when using recyclate. The next step are expert interviews in order to get a deeper understanding of the challenges when using recyclate. If you have specific challenges in your value chain while using recyclate, you might be an interesting partner for such an interview. Don't hesitate to contact one of the partners at the bottom of the landing page (overview). Tell us which tools would help you to improve the uptake of recyclate. Read More

Di-PLast presented on Go4Export Day in Apeldoorn, Netherlands

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Martijn Kerssen from Oost NL presented the Di-Plast Project on the Go4Export Day in Apeldoorn, Netherlands. On this international congress for the NWE Region in English language representatives of public bodies and enterprises met for matchmaking, knowledge sharing and inspiration in recycling and circularity in the plastic, building and waste (organic, batteries, separation) sectors. Contacts for the operational phase of Di-Plast where made successfully. Read More