
Vilogia chooses solution provider for first French Energiesprong renovations

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The Energiesprong movement in France took two major steps recently. Enabled by Transition Zero (a project funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme), a big French national deal was signed during the Congress of the Social Union for Housing with 3.600 houses to be refurbished according to Energiesprong standards. In addition, one of the first Energiesprong prototypes, co-financed by the Interreg NWE E=0 project, is soon to be delivered. This first prototype will be in Hem, in the North of France and is implemented by Vilogia.” Vilogia has selected a solution provider for the first 10 demonstrator houses. Agnieszka Bogucka, Vilogia’s project manager, describes the selection process, which was far from routine. Read More

Start-up Factory Zero develops net zero energy modules and the orders start rolling in!

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Factory Zero develops, produces and delivers smart, complete Net Zero Energy systems, working in close cooperation with innovative players in the building supply industry. The start-up has been established under the Interreg NWE project E=0 and has now received its first large order from construction company Dura Vermeer. Factory Zero's recently developed energy and climate module called the iCEM has been chosen by Dura Vermeer for their project with housing corporation De Goede Woning in Zoetemeer. This project will see 120 houses renovated to Net Zero Energy levels.. Read More

Do Green subsidies help?

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Tom Elliott, who is working for the E=0 project partner NEF on implementing the net zero concept in the UK, explores in this report the opportunity of ‘green subsidies’ as a means to help provide additional funding to support the investment of net zero energy refurbishments. Read More