News & Blogs

The implementation of Digital Mobile Mental Health in clinical care pathways

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In April this year a new EU funded project will start which focuses on the implementation of Digital Mobile Mental Health in clinical parthways. The overall objective of the project IMMERSE (Implementing Mobile MEntal health Recording Strategy for Europe) is "to advance the transformation of mental health care in Europe intro true person-centered care, focused on the needs of each individual seeking help for mental health problems, while giving them an active role in their treatment process and decision-making." Read More

Ethics of Digital Mental Health During COVID-19

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A group of international researchers lead by the Department of Pediatrics, Center for Biomedical Ethics, School of Medicine of Stanford University published a research article about ‘Ethics of Digital Mental Health During COVID-19: Crisis and Opportunities’. The COVID-19 crisis has accelerated the adoption and implementation of digital mental health tools (videoconferencing, e-mental health apps). This paper looks at key areas for an ethical path forward in this digital mental health revolution: privacy, data protection, safety, accountability, access and fairness. The eMEN project partners are aware of these key areas, which are also being addressed in the current project activities. eMEN continues to promote high quality, professional, accessible and safe e-mental health. Read More

Happy Holidays and a much better 2021!

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We would like to thank everyone who has supported our project in this difficult year and look forward to a much better 2021. The eMEN project will continue with contributing to improving Europe's (e-)mental health care in 2021. The COVID-19 crisis has shown the important role of e-mental health technology in today's mental health care systems. The eMEN project team! Read More

e-mental health meeting of the European Federation of Psychology Students’ Associations (EFPSA)

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On December 10th Dr. Tom van Daele, lecturer applied psychology at Thomas More university of applied science (partner in the eMEN project), gave an interesting presentation about e-mental health technology. This Zoom presentation was organised by the European Federation of Psychology Students’ Associations (EFPSA) and attended by 500 students and psychologists. Read More

eMEN policy document mentioned in WISH 2020 report on Mental Health and Digital Technologies

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This year’s WISH summit, from November 15-19, was a virtual one due to the COVID-19 crisis. WISH is a global healthcare community dedicated to capturing and disseminating the best evidence-based ideas and practices. The WISH 2020 Forum on Mental Health and Digital Technologies delivered a report called “The digital mental health revolution – transforming care through innovation and scale-up”. The report discusses the digital mental health implementation challenges and opportunities. Read More

Professor Wolfgang Gaebel receives highest DGPPN recognition, the Wilhelm Griesinger Medal

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On November 27th Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Gaebel, (Düsseldorf) received the Wilhem Griesinger Medal during the yearly congress of the German Association for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics (DGPPN). Since 2016 Prof. Gaebel has been actively involved in the eMEN project; his knowledge and (international) experience have been of great value for the project. On behave of the eMEN partners we congratulate Prof. Gaebel with this live time achievement medal. For ARQ in particular, as the lead partner of the eMEN project, it has been an honour to have Prof. Gaebel as an expert in the project. We greatly appreciate his analytical and forward thinking and look forward to his continued involvement in the project. Read More

eMEN main achievements and reflections report available in French

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Between May 2016 and May 2020 the 10 eMEN partners from 6 EU partner countries in North-West-Europe have successfully cooperated in order to promote the implementation of e-mental health technology. They have documented their main achievements and reflections in a final report ‘eMEN main achievements and reflections’. This report was published in July and presents an overview of the main activities and reflections. The French eMEN partner, EPSM Lille-Métropole, has translated this report in French in order to make it more accessible to French speaking e-mental health stakeholders. Read More

eMEN presented at webinar of the Health Working Group (ENVI) of the European Parliament

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On November 10th the eMEN project was presented at the webinar of the Health Working Group of the European Parliament. This webinar was organised to discuss the growing demand for mental health care in Europe, before and as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, and the different initiatives to mitigate this demand. The meeting was chaired by Dolores Montserrat (Member of the European Parliament, and former Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality in Spain) and Sara Cerdas (Medical Doctor and Member of Parliament from Portugal). Read More

Reimbursement for digital health solutions

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Consultancy firm McKinsey has conducted a survey among 213 European physicians. This survey suggests that 55 to 58 percent of them believe that telemedicine will play a significantly greater role in the future. Thousands of digital health solutions are currently on the market. Thousands more are being developed, mostly by start-ups and tech companies entering the sector for the first time rather than traditional healthcare companies. This article elaborates on the reimbursement and product quality challenges addressed in the eMEN project. Read More

The eMEN product development and implementation toolkit

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After 4 years of research and development, the eMEN partners finalised their e-mental health product development and implementation toolkit. This Toolkit guides you through the process of developing eMental Health products with implementation in routine practice in mind. It helps you to think about the product from different perspectives (e.g. technological, legal, users, designers, health care providers), and how it can meet imperative quality criteria with respect to its evidence-base, technical features, privacy/security, safety, and functionality. Read More