
Towards a FABulous CAP

, Virtual

Based on the project findings, key policy recommendations have been stipulated for the implementation of FAB measures at the EU policy level, including through the new Common Agricultural Policy’s (CAP) green architecture. These recommendations are bundled in a policy paper that will be presented and discussed during this event.
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Masterclass - Mixed crops

, Virtual

22/4/2021 14:00 CET During this masterclass we will focus on the use of mixed crops for forage production. Experts from the UK, Belgium and Luxembourg will share their expertise on the establishment and harvest of herbal leys and fodder legumes.
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Masterclass - Crop rotation

, Virtual

During this masterclass we will explore how to succesfully implement crop rotations in your farm management. We will discuss the benefits and challenges of crop rotations, and discuss a succesful method to design crop rotations in France.
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What's in that flower strip? (Webinar, Dutch)

, Virtual (webinar)

By sawing flower strips in the correct places and with the correct species, these field margins haven't only got an esteatic value, but they are also usefull for agriculture! Next to pollinaters, benefical insects are attracted that combat harmful insects in the crops on the field aside. This has a positive effect on both yield and use of plant protection products. Are you interested in FAB and field margins as a support of your agricultural system? Then join this webinar!
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