
Depot Live Show(s), May 2021: outcomes

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As part of the FCRBE project, Bellastock hosted the DEPOT LIVE SHOW(S), a two-week-long online event aimed at gathering together reclaimed materials dealers and other project stakeholders such as contractors, building owners, architects, in order to focus and exchange on the challenges of reuse in the construction sector. The outcomes are to be found here. Read More

FCRBE final event of November 2021

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Since October 2018, the FCRBE project partners have joined efforts to encourage the reuse of building materials in the construction industry in Northwestern Europe. The project involved a wide range of activities, from shedding light on the reclamation trade by visiting dealers to developing supporting tools for architects and specifiers, implementing pilot projects, and raising awareness of the benefits and realities of reuse. The Final Event of November 2021 allowed to present all the deliverables form the porject, encouraged the discussion and showed all participants concrete cases. IF YOU MISSED THE EVENT, YOU CAN FIND THE DIFFERENT PRESENTATIONS HERE. Read More

On site visit, the Zinneke

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During the FCRBE Final Event, which took place from 16 to 17 November 2021, workshops and a visit to a construction site took place on the second day. More than 50 participants headed along the Kanal to the Zinneke, a project for the extraction and integration of reused materials in situ and ex situ. Read More

FCRBE, partners, coordination, a vision for reuse

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The Call for Capitalisation will start at the beginning of 2022 and before launching its next actions, let's look back at the ones that have taken place over the last two years and who better to talk about them than the project partners themselves? Rotor, Brussels Environment, the Construction Confederation and Salvo take a step back in time to look at the experience they have had over the last three years. Read More

Reuse Toolkit: Material sheets

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Collection of 36 material sheets intended for designers, specifiers and other members of construction project teams wishing to reuse these building materials or product. This collection of sheets is aimed at bringing together the available information to date that is likely to facilitate the reuse of building materials and products. Read More