
Our second Hackathon is coming up very soon !

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Next October 29th and 30th will take place the second IT4Anxiety Hackathon at the Evanglisches Klinikum Bethel in cooperation with Bielefeld University in Germany. This edition will be held online. IT4Anxiety is an Interreg project and aims at supporting the implementation of start-ups’ innovative solutions reducing the anxiety of patients suffering from mental disorders. Read More

Covering the IT4Anxiety Partnership Vacancy

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The Ulster University (UU) team is leading WP2 (Technical piloting and validation) in the IT4Anxiety project. UU has guided members of the Validation Committee to cover an existing partner vacancy within the project with the most suitable start-ups, having or developing technology solutions in mental health, to fulfil the rapidly changing needs of the IT4Anxiety project. Read More

IMAGINE Research

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As part of the Work Package 1 entitled “Identification of needs”, the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for research and training in mental health in Lille (France) is leading a qualitative and quantitative research on“Innovative technologIes for Mental health care: socio-AnthropoloGIcal and clinical approach – a north-west European study” (IMAGINE). Read More

A look back at the Amsterdam hackathon

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One of the major activities of the IT4Anxiety project is the organisation of hackathons. These events bring together people from different backgrounds to work on co-creating solutions. The first hackathon took place on 18 and 19 March in Amsterdam, organised by the IT4Anxiety partner, Vrije Universiteit. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this hackathon, which mobilised about 50 participants, was held via video conference. Read More