
Update on results on improvement of non chemical treatment uses

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Concerning treatments, the work on Work Package 2 (Improvement of non chemical treatment uses) revealed that one genetic group of a predatory mite was more voracious than the others, which opens up prospects for improvement. No incompatibility between plant-based treatments (or vaccine) and predators was found. Regarding resistance, significant differences in susceptibility to plant-based repellents were detected between PRM populations. Experiments are underway to determine the extent to which these variations may result in the selection of resistant populations under plant-based treatments. In the process, we have also discovered that the temporal dynamics of PRM populations is much more aggressive than previously thought. Read More

IPM farm trials : first step pre ipm flock treatment

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IPM strategies trials have begun in the pilot farms. 3 strategies are being tested : drink water additive + predatory mites, drink water additive + silica and vaccine and predatory mites ! Some actions have been undertaken on the previous flock (before the trial flock). It is advised to start the empty period with as low as possible PRM infestation. Therefore parts of the house where there are clusters of PRM have been cleaned with water and brown soap. Read More