
Newsletter #3 GEM tower built in 2019

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We look back on a great year 2019, where the design of GEM was presented in January. The tower was built for the first time in the summer. And of course its presence on Pukkelpop in Belgium and the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven for the first test measurements on wind, solar and battery storage. Come visit GEM at ESNS in January 2020 and read more about the battery storage. Read More

Newsletter #2 Lifting of GEM tower

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In this newsletter we want to inform you about Monday August 5, 2019 when we had the first lifting of the GEM-Tower at Eindhoven, University of Technology. And we would like to give an insight in the LSC panels, used for the tower. For those who joined later please also find a short summary about the GEM-Tower at Read More