THREE C - at the Carbon Removal Conference
Posted onIn the Netherlands, Sander Lubberhuizen, THREE C project partner and expert on biochar implementation strategies, just spoke at the "Carbon Removal conference" in Utrecht. Read More
THREE C aims at the development and introduction of economically viable value chains based on charcoal raw materials from waste biomass in NWE.
The project is based on the predecessor project RE-DIRECT, which has shown that it is possible and sustainable to use charcoal as an alternative raw material for products in the agricultural, waste water, health and cosmetics industries.
The project will promote the development of high quality products and value chains based on charcoal raw materials in the participating regions in DE, BE, UK, IE, FR and NL in order to introduce a climate-friendly and sustainable Circular Carbon Economy in NWE.
The project is led by an interdisciplinary project team of universities, public institutions, business support and regional development agencies and experts in capacity building, investment and marketing.
During the project period:
A total of 250 stakeholders working in product and service development in the new sector will be supported over the duration of the project, including professionals from at least 14 start-ups and 70 SMEs. 21 product lines and value chains will be developed in all regions and sectors. Europe-wide marketing and supply will be promoted via the CC-Net and its European marketing platform for charcoal products.
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4 Franz-Haniel-Platz
15 Highnam Business Centre Unit
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SY16 1DZ
United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
19B Boulevard Nominoë
Campus de Ker Lann, Avenue Robert Schuman, 35170 Bruz, Frankreich
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2 avenue de la préfecture
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7300 ES
19 Mönchebergstrasse
Lead partner
Organisation | Address | Website | |
Universität Kassel |
19 Mönchebergstrasse Kassel 34125 Germany |
mwach@uni-kassel.de | www.uni-kassel.de |
Name | Contact Name | Country | |
Eigenbetrieb Umwelttechnik der Stadt Baden-Baden | Olaf Herrmann | umwelttechnik@baden-baden.de | Germany |
Trendhuis | Nathalie Bekx | nathalie.bekx@trendhuis.be | Belgium |
blended learning institutions' cooperative, blinc eG | Tim Scholze | tscholze@blinc-eu.org | Germany |
Asiantaeth Ynni Severn Wye Energy Agency | Rachel Smith | rachels@severnwye.org.uk | United Kingdom |
Cwm Harry Land Trust | Colin Keyse | colink@cwmharry.org.uk | United Kingdom |
Aberystwyth University | Luned Roberts | lur@aber.ac.uk | United Kingdom |
Association d’Initiatives Locales pour l’Energie et l’Environnement | Marc Le Tréïs | marc.le-treis@aile.asso.fr | France |
UniLaSalle | Abdoulaye Kane | abdoulaye.kane@unilasalle.fr | France |
Irish Bioenergy Association | Seán Finan | seanfinan@irbea.org | Ireland |
Bretagne Eco-Entreprises | Loïc Evain | contact@b2e.bzh | France |
Pro Natura | Tom Anthonis | tom.anthonis@pronatura.be | Belgium |
Gemeente Apeldoorn | Sander Lubberhuizen | s.lubberhuizen@apeldoorn.nl | Netherlands |
In the Netherlands, Sander Lubberhuizen, THREE C project partner and expert on biochar implementation strategies, just spoke at the "Carbon Removal conference" in Utrecht. Read More
Colin Keyse, SWEA, Wales, was interviewed during the reveal14 conference. He is an expert on biochar with a particular focus on agriculture/farming Read More
The 59th National Steam Rally - another important impact of the THREE C project can be found here. Read More
THREE C impressions from the reveal15 conference in Göttingen. A first video has just been released, giving you a brief impression of the potential of the THREE C conference in Göttingen in June 2023. Get a first impression of what happened during the 1.5-day event. Read More
The THREE C “reveal15 conference“, held in the picturesque city of Göttingen, Germany, set the stage for an inspiring exploration of a circular culture of sustainability. This remarkable event brought together over 150 participants from across Europe, each driven by a common goal: to explore the potential of technology, social innovation and community development in shaping a more sustainable future. Read More
It is always a challenge to develop a format with innovative and creative aspects to show the success of a project. For the THREE C project, the following considerations are the reasons for the exhibition format: Read More
Ireland, Carrick on Shannon – more than 120 participants attended the national conference on biochar and carbon products hosted by irbea. Supported by experts from across Europe with expertise in different fields and sectors, the conference offered a mix of presentations, panel discussions and a framework for intensive networking. Read More
The THREE C Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme covers biochar in the steps of input (materials), conversion of materials into biochar and possible outputs in the context of the circular carbon economy. Read More
The Göttingen meeting will be an international three-day event consisting of an excursion through Germany, visiting lighthouse projects for biomass to biochar/bioenergy production.... Read More
Rethinking landfill covering Read More
Seven Circular Carbon Hubs (CC-Hubs) will be established all over North-West Europe, adapted to the regional conditions. The CC-Hubs will bring together all important stakeholders to develop local concepts for a regional Circular Carbon Economy: collectors, convergers, producers as well as B2B/B2C customers and investors.
At the Hubs, local SMEs and start-ups will get access to services like co-working, counselling, training, and networking. Additional business support will be introduced in the form of a voucher scheme. It will offer opportunities and resources to develop products and services for the regional and interregional CCE, among other incubators, quality assurance and improvement facilities.
Three Circular Carbon-Labs (CC-Labs) will develop quality control mechanisms for tailor-made products and raw materials.
The CC-Labs will be linked to the CC-Hubs to provide their valuable expertise to stakeholders in order to support the product and business development of the Circular Carbon Economy. Predestined product application examples will be examined in detail. A THREE C quality label will be introduced for products and producers, which will certify the proven quality.
A European umbrella organisation (CC-Net) will be established to assist all present and future participants in the creation and growth of the Circular Carbon Economy.
The CC-Net will be backed up by in-depth interregional market research and needs analyses. An online marketing platform, in combination with a supply chain management mechanism will be created to connect the regions with suitable investors.
The main stakeholders will be informed and trained on technical, environmental, and business aspects of the THREE C approach and enabled to inform, promote, and implement it in and beyond the project regions in NWE.
THREE C addresses you as a citizen, professional or entrepreneur to become active in the circular carbon economy.
At the THREE C Hubs, local SMEs and start-ups will get access to services like co-working, counselling, training, and networking. Additional business support will be introduced in the form of a voucher scheme. It will offer opportunities and resources to develop products and services for the regional and interregional CCE, among other incubators, quality assurance and improvement facilities.
The full voucher programme consists of 2 parts. It is a fully fledged CPD course (continuous professional development) for professionals who intend extend their services based on the conversion of biomass and product development based on biochar.
The THREE C Business programme can be directly accessed already in 2021 by enterprises, NGOs and municipalities working in waste biomass and biochar processing.
Please contact your regional THREE C partner for more information.
THREE C offers 3 support facilities:
The structures can be accessed via our THREE C professionalisation programme which is delivered on two levels
THREE C works parallel on regional and European levels.
It addresses