Project News

Circular Economy in Wales – latest developments

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The Circular Economy Research and Innovation Group (CERIG) Wales met last week to share project and policy updates, as well as to consider the EU Circular Economy Action Plan. Representatives from Welsh Government updated the group on national regulation developments, and current CE consultation processes, seeking feedback on proposals to:- • move towards zero waste by 2050 • scrutinise how we use resources • encourage the reuse, repair and remanufacture products and materials • maximise the economic and social opportunities of a more circular economy. Participants also considered implications for UK businesses of the EU’s Circular Economy Action Plan, for example, the mandatory requirements to increase the sustainability of goods and services, and how this might be approached. Read More

ALG-AD experiments resuming at Swansea University

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While large-scale operations across the partnership have resumed full steam, laboratory work has also restarted at Swansea University where new results are expected to provide new insights for the implementation of the ALG AD technology. The experimental work is looking into exploring microalgal growth performances and biochemical composition, when cultivated on a range of digestates provided by the ALG-AD partners and originating from different waste sources: kitchen and food waste, pig manure, and plant waste. The three digestates are being used to grow the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus obliquus at Swansea University and the experiment will also be conducted on a microalgal consortium (Desmodesmus sp. and Chlorella sp.) and on the oil-rich fungus Aurantiochytrium mangrovei in Belgium and in France, respectively. Read More

ALG-AD Investment site UGENT-INNOLAB in Belgium: General introduction and operation during the COVID-19 crisis

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The investment site 3 of Interreg NWE ALG-AD project is located within the premises of Innolab CVBA, Oostkamp, Belgium (about 90 km North-West of Brussels). The pilot facility accommodated in a polycarbonate greenhouse comprises a bag (paper) filtration unit for digestate pre-treatment, a 2600-litre vertical reactor (VR), and a 600-litre horizontal bioreactor (HR) operated in batch mode for microalgae cultivation. The liquid fraction of digestate used as a substrate is collected from an anaerobic digestion (AD) plant in Pittem (20 km South of Oostkamp) that processes food and farm waste of plant-origin. Read More

ALG-AD virtual open day welcomes an international audience

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The ALG-AD team today welcomed over 50 attendees to a virtual open day at our pilot algal cultivation facility at Langage AD. The whole UK ALG-AD team took part in the event, which included presentations and interactive breakout sessions to give attendees a chance to take part in discussions. Dr. Alla Silkina, who organised the event, noted “This has been an excellent opportunity to showcase the work we have been doing at Langage. We had some great, challenging questions, and got the chance to understand the perspectives of AD stakeholders through the session” Louise Hall, Project Manager, added “We had hoped to welcome visitors to the Langage site for a face to face open day, however, the current Covid restrictions meant the team had to be creative and find an alternative way to share practical demonstrations with stakeholders. Through videos, photographs, and talks, the team managed to share the story of our work so far, and I am very grateful to everyone for their efforts.” Read More

The algal cultivation activity at Cooperl Arc Atlantique (France) restarted on 15th of June.

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The Covid-19 pandemic situation in France affected the operation of the algal production pilot. Access to the pilot was restricted from the middle of March and the research team could only work analysing previously obtained data, without access to the laboratory and cultivation facilities. As a result, the data review has shown the importance to add certain elements to the media such as micronutrients and metals. Now, that lockdown restrictions have been lifted in France, the algal cultivation reactor at Cooperl managed by the research team from CNRS is prepared for the new batch of thraustochytrids microalgae Aurantiochytrium mangrovei. The media has been adjusted with new nutrient compounds, and a new inoculation has been completed. The team in France follow a heterotrophic approach to algal cultivation Read More

Reasons to be optimistic – restart at Langage

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The doors are open again at Langage AD, where the team are optimistic that a quick restart will enable a successful summer algal culture growth season on ALG-AD. Jose Ignacio Gayo Pelaez and Vanessa Ndovela have returned to the greenhouse at AD plant location this week, where changes in COVID-19 restrictions have meant that work can restart at Langage. With the strict observation of social distancing protocols and adjustment to standard operating procedures, the 2 team members responsible for growing the microalgae are back at work. The first task is to clean and sterilize all the equipment, especially Photobioreactor to be ready for inoculation at the start of June. Read More

Data modelling tool for ALG-AD

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A challenge when adopting new technology is being able to visualise the results expected and predict outcomes to justify the investment. The ALG-AD team are working on a number of tools to help AD managers to make those difficult decisions around whether or not to implement ALG-AD on their sites. This will include a data modelling tool that will take defined parameters such as geographical location, digestate properties (in terms of nitrogen and phosphorous), type of reactor system and algal strain information, and from this will predict biomass production. Read More