
Looking back upon a very successful Biobased Business Development Day 2017

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On Thursday, November 23rd, about 200 participants from the Netherlands and Flanders were gathered to talk about “Biobased entrepreneurship without borders”. The event was co-organised by Biobased Delta, a cluster from the Netherlands, and Flanders Biobased Valley, in cooperation with the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant, the regional development agency of East-Flanders and the development agencies of the south of the Netherlands. Read More

BioBase4SME Innovation Biocamp 2017 trained and inspired 17 enthusiastic, biobased start-ups and SMEs

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Twenty participants from seventeen selected North-West European start-ups and young SMEs gathered in Yorkshire (UK) from 23-28th July 2017 for the first BioBase4SME Innovation Biocamp. The Innovation Biocamp, a fully funded intensive, week-long training course aims to provide high-potential biobased companies with hands-on tools needed to commercialise their biobased ideas and grow their companies. The Innovation Biocamp, co-financed by Europe’s Interreg NWE programme, is planning a second edition in 2018. Read More

Successful BioBase4SME Training on Intellectual Property Strategy

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Within the framework of the BioBase4SME project, 3 partners, CLIB2021, Flanders Biobased Valley and REWIN West-Brabant, joined forces to organize a training on intellectual property. The training was designed to give insight in all the basics of intellectual property, the difference between patents, copyright and trademarks, on how to create your own IP strategy and how to handle IP in project consortia, all with a focus on industrial biotechnology and the biobased economy. Read More