
Brussels Care-Peat Policy Makers Workshop: Bringing peatlands to the political heart of Europe

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On 26th October 2022, Care-Peat hosted a joint event in Brussels with the WaterLANDS project to discuss peatland policy recommendations developed with stakeholders and to advocate for stronger peatland targets in the proposal for the new EU Nature Restoration Law. The event, attended by MEPs, Directorate-Generals, and other policy stakeholders, called for a range of new measures, including the significant increase of peatland restoration targets for 2050, and the mandatory monitoring of restoration. Read More

Natuurpunt starts crucial phase in the Valley of the Black Creek: colander becomes sponge

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Almost three kilometers of waterways will be releveled in the valley of the Black Creek as icing on the Care peat cake. After almost 2 years of procedures (and many workshops, meetings, site visits, persuasion and a hydrological study especially commissioned for this), Natuurpunt has finally been granted the permit to carry out the relevelling of 2.7km of waterways to 20 cm below ground level. Read More

Winmarleigh carbon farm chosen as handover location for world’s longest ever attempted relay

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In October the Running out of Time relay visited one of Care-Peat’s UK pilot site projects at the Winmarleigh carbon farm. The Running out of Time relay was the longest non-stop relay ever attempted, starting in Glasgow, UK, the site of COP26 and continuing 7,767km all the way to Sharm-el-Sheik in Egypt, the site of COP27. The relay aimed to highlight the desperate plight our planet faces in the face of the climate emergency and passed a handful of outstanding climate-positive projects along the route – and the Winmarleigh carbon farm was chosen as one of them, one of only 27 in the UK. Read More

Press release: “For Peat’s Sake”: Brussels Nature Restoration Law Event

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On 26th October 2022, Horizon 2020 project WaterLANDS and Interreg North-West Europe project Care-Peat hosted a joint event in Brussels to discuss peatland policy recommendations developed with stakeholders and to advocate for stronger peatland targets in the proposal for the new EU Nature Restoration Law. The event, attended by MEPs, Directorate-Generals, and other policy stakeholders, called for a range of new measures, including the significant increase of peatland restoration targets for 2050, and the mandatory monitoring of restoration. Read More