
Open pilot houses and info market for the H4.0E Flemish pilot

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This May, the Province of Flemish Brabant and pilot partner, Kamp C, organised a visiting day for the Belgian regional stakeholders, having invited professionals, social housing companies and local authorities. The Belgian regional stakeholders were invited to visit the Housing 4.0 Energy pilot location in Huldenberg, a former campsite where six small-scale pilot houses demonstrate the production of small-scale, modular homes with a low carbon footprint, offered at a lower cost than the current market price. Read More

H4.0E Guidebook in Development

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To ensure the longevity of the Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) Housing 4.0 Energy (H4.0E) project, 3 Counties Energy Agency - 3CEA (Ireland), along with the project consortium, are developing a H4.0E Guidebook to transfer and replicate the H4.0E concept & to show others how to develop H4.0E designs. Read More