Desirable, warm, affordable homes for life.

Project Summary

Mustbe0: Affordable, desirable, long-term performance guaranteed net zero energy (NZE) retrofits for apartment buildings in North West Europe

The UK, France, Germany and the Netherlands alone have 43 million apartments that are not future proof because there is no compelling deep energy retrofit solution for these buildings available yet. This is key for all countries to achieve the EU’s CO2 target. Energiesprong comes with a solution. Within the Mustbe0 project, Energiesprong market development teams in France, the UK, Germany and the Netherlands will kick start a market for affordable, desirable, long-term performance guaranteed net zero energy (NZE) retrofits for apartment buildings in North West Europe.

Comfortable homes that people love to live in

The award winning Energiesprong net zero energy standard and funding approach provides modern and comfortable homes that people love to live in. After a retrofit, a net zero apartment generates enough energy for its heating, hot water and power appliances. Money that would have been spent on energy bills and maintenance funds the improvement. The aim is that the cost of living doesn’t increase because real-life performance for energy use and indoor comfort is guaranteed for up to 30 years.

After a successful start bringing this Dutch Energiesprong approach to Europe for single family homes (E=0), Mustbe0 is all about developing a market for apartment buildings in North West Europe

Launching the market

In the Mustbe0 project, 9 housing providers in the UK, France, Germany and the Netherlands have already committed to collaborating on the retrofit of at least 9 demonstrator buildings (415 apartments). This will launch the market.

Solution providers and suppliers will focus on developing and improving retrofit packages (mass customised facades and roofs with fully integrated energy and climate systems). This enables the driving down of costs and installation times to reduce from several months to a few weeks.

Aggregating additional demand, improving regulation, and financing structurally creates more market volume and drives the supply chain to industrially produce cheaper and better retrofits which kick-starts a self-sustaining market.

The result?

Affordable, comfortable, future proof homes that people love to live in. In addition, by the end of the project, retrofits achieve 7.9 GWh/yr of primary energy savings (and 1505 tonnes CO2/yr), and average investment costs drop 15% from today’s ±€1100/m2. The ability of housing organisations to invest increases significantly because of this new business model. 

A growing movement

Mustbe0 builds further on the knowledge and experience gained by Interreg NWE´s E=0 project that was mainly focussed on single family homes. E=0, on the other hand, is based on Energiesprong, an award winning, revolutionary, whole house refurbishment and new build standard and funding approach, which was initiated in the Netherlands. Energiesprong is facilitated by independent Market Development Teams that intervene in the market by creating demand for this standard, increasing and improving supply capabilities, and tuning policy, regulation and finance to make a viable path to scale. By brokering large volume deals, Energiesprong creates the momentum needed for stakeholders to act simultaneously. This creates a viable market to entice suppliers to invest in digital off-site manufacturing. Mass customisation and industrialisation are the key. Energiesprong is currently active in Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, New York State, and the UK.





Partner meeting

19-09-2019 - 20-09-2019, Paris

Partner meeting, more info will follow. Read more

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Energiesprong/Mustbe0 Deutschland startet Accelerator-Programm für serielle Sanierungslösungen

Posted on 05-09-2019

Bauunternehmen können sich bis 08. November 2019 bewerben / Teilnehmer profitieren von finanzieller Unterstützung, internationalem Coaching, Pitch-Veranstaltungen und Pilotprojekte... Read more

Energiesprong wins European Commission’s award for most innovative project

Posted on 20-06-2019

The EU Sustainable Energy Awards recognise outstanding innovation in energy efficiency and renewable energy. Out of hundreds of projects, the Interreg NWE E=0 and Horizon 2020 Tran... Read more

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Project Partners

Lead partner

Organisation Address Email Website
Energiesprong Foundation 4 Dulcie Septemberpad
Name Contact Name Email Country
Greenflex (host Energiesprong market development team France) Sébastien Delpont France
Energiesprong UK Arno Schmickler United Kingdom
German Energy Agency (host Energiesprong market development team DE) Uwe Bigalke Germany
Vonovia SE Marius Kersting Germany
Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) Wayne Bexton United Kingdom
Notre Logis Thomas Damay France
Vilogia Agnieszka Bogucka France
Woonmeij Frans Brouwers Netherlands
Factory Zero BV Sjoerd Kleinvelderman Netherlands
RC Panels Carlos Klein Netherlands
Housing Association by Vorgebirgspark eG Thomas Meißner Germany
Arsago Emanuel Heisenberg Germany
VIOS building group BV Aart Verkaik Netherlands
Ville de Raismes
Union nationale des federations d'organismes d'habitations a loyer modere
London Borough of Sutton


Partner Days on Zoom

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After an interesting and successful first Partner Day on Zoom on May 26, two new Partner Days were organised. The new online form of the Partner Day (due to Covid-19) made it necessary to invest more time and spread the subjects over several days. You can find the programme of these two days, June 30 and July 8, here. Read More

Energiesprong in France

The Energiesprong approach was launched in France in March 2016, by GreenFlex, a firm specialised in helping organisations accelerate their social and environmental transition. GreenFlex has set up a market development team of 7 people to adapt and implement the EnergieSprong approach in France, and works with local stakeholders to do so.

The Energiesprong initiative, which aims to develop guaranteed zero energy renovations that are both affordable and desirable, works to develop a market for multi-family residential buildings from 2019 to 2021.

Discover Mustbe0 in France

Mustbe0 is financing two demonstration projects led by the social landlords Vilogia and Notre Logis. At the same time, the team has worked to implement the conditions necessary to speed up this market for collective housing buildings, and to bring out adapted and less expensive technical solutions, notably through an innovative Design Competition.


Mustbe0 project in Roubaix (France)

Social Landlord : Vilogia

Location of the investment: Roubaix (France), 107-113-119-125 rue d’Oran

Consortium: Altarea, Tech-Off, Afleya

The project : The Vilogia social landlord aims to rehabilitate at E=0 level a residence of 32 collective dwellings. The construction works started in October with façade installation for the 32 dwellings of the residence. A site visit was organised on Nov 7th to share all the learnings of the operation. A new site visit is planned for the 7th of July (organized by Vilogia).



Mustbe0 project in Halluin (France)

Social Landlord : 3F Notre Logis

Location of the investment: Halluin (France), Résidence Bouvier

Consortium: RedCat, Nortec, Symoé

The project : After the project was officially launched on July 7th (, the split of the residence was conducted to form two units with one of 40 dwellings included in the MustBe0 demonstrator, and another of 30, to be then retrofitted. They have now started the renovation.

A site visit was organised on December 1st ( with the contribution of a regional facilitator, to ensure a market wide address to share all learnings of the project.


Mustbe0 project in Raismes (France)

Social Landlord : City of Raismes

Location of the investment: 118 Rue de l'Usine, 59590 Raismes - School Anne Godeau

Consortium: in progress

The project: The city of Raismes wishes to rehabilitate the Anne Godeau elementary school built in 1967, aiming at E=0 over 20 years via the EnergieSprong approach. The goal is to make it the first of a long line in the city.

Wednesday March 29, 2023 there was a site visit at the L'école Anne-Godeau de Raismes

Read here more about the site visit and the project.


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Interreg NWE 2021-2027: check the list of call 2 step 1 approved projects

Posted on 21-04-2023

27 projects from the Interreg NWE 2021-2027 call 2 step 1 were approved by the Monitoring Committee in a meeting on 20-21 April 2023 in Lille, France. Read more

Interview with David Grzegorzewski

Posted on 04-04-2023

Get to know David Grzegorzewski who took over the role of Programme Director for Interreg NWE on 1st March 2023. Read more

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Discover Mustbe0 in Germany

To reach climate targets, the building stock in Germany needs to be CO2 neutral by 2045. This poses two key challenges for politics, housing and construction companies: firstly, the number of highly energy-efficient refurbishments must increase significantly. At the same time, homes must remain affordable.

Energiesprong - a revolutionary, whole house refurbishment standard and funding approach initiated in the Netherlands – is a solution for the above challenge and has already proved itself in the Netherlands, France and the UK mainly for single family housing stock. With industrialised processes and new technologies – such as prefabricated facades, insulated rooftops with solar panels, and smart heating installations – residential buildings can be brought to a future-proof zero-energy standard in very little time and at affordable costs.

As with many other European countries, a large number of people in Germany live in apartment buildings. To develop the right solution for this building type, Mustbe0 in Germany, coordinated by the German Energy-Agency (dena), will focus on apartment buildings from the 50’s to the 70’s. This relatively large stock of similar buildings belong to only a few housing associations. This makes it easier to aggregate demand, so the supply side can start to invest in innovative processes and products.The start of a national funding scheme, which was introduced in 2021, circumstances for serial retrofits are improved.

It is foreseen that the solutions developed within the Mustbe0 project can also be transferred to other types of buildings such as larger multi-family houses, single-family homes and non-residential buildings.

Prototypes and scale

In 2020, the first prototypes started with the first pilot completed early 2021. Nationwide, frontrunners from the housing sectors have identified buildings that will show how the Energiesprong approach works. This will kick start the market. Those frontrunners are:

  • Arsago ACM with a prototype in Hameln
  • LEG Immobilien AG with a prototype in Mönchengladbach
  • Baugenossenschaft Oberricklingen with a prototype in Hannover
  • VBW Bauen und Wohnen with two prototypes in Bochum
  • Vonovia with a prototype in Bochum
  • Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Haldensleben mbH with a prototype in Haldensleben
  • Wohnungsgenossenschaft am Vorgebirgspark with a prototype in Cologne
  • WWS Wohn- und Wirtschafts-Service Herford GmbH with a prototype in Herford.

These first pilots are critical to starting the market development. They are supported by the EU Interreg NWE Mustbe0 programme and the BMWi.

Sharing knowledge

The prototypes will be closely monitored and communicated to the German market as well as to the other European market development teams. This will help share knowledge and optimise perception among politicians, stakeholders and society. Additionally, this will motivate and enable more companies and stakeholders to join the movement. It will lead up to a larger scale of aggregated demand, preparing a broader market for net zero renovations for apartment buildings in Germany.

Update projects:

WGaV, First Energiesprong refurbishment with an architectural office as general contractor

On the occasion of its 100th anniversary, the housing association am Vorgebirgspark eG 2020 decided to set an example against climate change with an Energiesprong renovation in Cologne-Zollstock.



  • 16 Wohneinheiten, Schwalbacher Straße 24-26, Köln

Partners who participated:

  • Zeller Kölmel Architekten GmbH
  • WGaV
  • Korona
  • Energieburo
  • Energiesprong DE

Katharinastrasse, Bochum – Vonovia project

Three apartment buildings from the 1950s with 24 apartments and a total living space of 1,164 m2 have been modernised to be energy-efficient. Vonovia and the Fischbach Group worked together on this pilot project.

More information >>


  • 24 Wohneinheiten, Katharinastr. 16-20, Bochum 

Partners who participated:

  • Vonovia
  • Fischbach
  • Gutex
  • Holzunion
  • KFW
  • Weber
  • dena
  • Energiesprong DE



Mörikestrasse, Bochum – VBW project

This pilot project consists of 32 apartments at Mörikestraße 8-14 with 2,368 m² of living space. The multi-family house complex built in 1968 is the largest pilot project to date in Germany and the first to be renovated while still inhabited. Partners in the project were B&O Bau NRW and Stadtwerke Bochum.

More information >>



  • 32 residential units, Mörikestraße 8-14, 44805 Bochum 

Partners who participated:

  • VBW
  • Stadtwerke Bochum
  • B&O
  • dena
  • Energiesprong DE

WWS Herford

Which WWS Herford realizes Klimaneutrales Wohnen in der Ulmenstraße

Partners who participated:

  • WWS Herforfd
  • Gap3solutions
  • KFW
  • dena
  • BMWK
  • Energiesprong DE



Arsago realizes climate-neutral living with builder Ecoworks in the KuckKuck, the first industrial renovation in Germany.

Partners who participated:


  • Stadtebauforderung
  • BIBH
  • Niedersachsisches Ministerium fur Umwelt, Energie, Bauen und Klimaschutz
  • KFW
  • Stadt Hameln
  • Energiesprong DE


Partner meeting

19-09-2019 - 20-09-2019, Paris

Partner meeting, more info will follow. Read more

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Renowned think-tank advises European Commission to scale up Energiesprong Europe-wide

Posted on 13-06-2019

German think-tank Agora Energiewende has written an extensive advisory and concrete work plan for the European Commission to help it reach its climate targets. The building industr... Read more

Energiesprong wins European Commission’s award for most innovative project

Posted on 20-06-2019

The EU Sustainable Energy Awards recognise outstanding innovation in energy efficiency and renewable energy. Out of hundreds of projects, the Interreg NWE E=0 and Horizon 2020 Tran... Read more

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De Bilt - Example of a 3-story net zero energy retrofit done in The Netherlands by consortium De Verduurzamers.

Discover Mustbe0 in The Netherlands

In the Netherlands 5.000 single family homes have been retrofitted to net zero energy levels. The development of net zero energy products for multi-family buildings is progressing slower. Therefore, under this project two component suppliers, a total solution integrator and a housing organisation will collaborate in the Netherlands and with international partners to ensure better, cheaper solutions that are also quick to install for apartment buildings.  

Better products

The focus of suppliers Factory Zero, RC Panels and solution provider VIOS is to reduce the cost and improve quality and desirability of technologies used in net zero energy retrofits. New components such as solar systems, smart facades for apartment buildings and a prototype energy module will be further developed. All of it produced off-site and to be quickly assembled on site. 

To inspire others and to make sure knowledges is shared and used in the other North West European markets, these partners regularly open their doors to other component suppliers and solution integrators aiming to enter the net zero energy market. Because these mission driven companies have a head start compared to other suppliers and builders, they will also actively share their knowledge through a coaching-trajectory within the design competitions that will be launched in Germany, UK  and France. The philosophy here is that if more enterprises are connected, the faster the market will develop.

Demonstrator project

To hit specific quality and cost targets for multi-storey net zero retrofits in the Netherlands, Dutch partner housing association Woonmeij will work on a multi-storey demonstrator project. First Woonmeij will retrofit 20 apartments in a 2,5-storey building to net zero energy levels. The solution for these units will be replicable to a big part of their stock and other buildings that are similar. Taking into account the lessons of this first project Woonmeij will take on another 30 apartments in a three-storey typical Dutch building. The solution for this building will form a good example for other mid-rise building in the Netherlands and is therefore also highly replicable.


Realised projects: t kiereke en Schijndel

  • 30 apartments - Deken Baekersstraat in Schijndel
  • 36 apartments - ‘t Liereke in Sint-Michielsgestel/

Partners who participated:

  • Woonmeij 
  • De Bont van Hulten
  • Energiesprong
  • Mustbe0


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Energiesprong wins European Commission’s award for most innovative project

Posted on 20-06-2019

The EU Sustainable Energy Awards recognise outstanding innovation in energy efficiency and renewable energy. Out of hundreds of projects, the Interreg NWE E=0 and Horizon 2020 Tran... Read more

Renowned think-tank advises European Commission to scale up Energiesprong Europe-wide

Posted on 13-06-2019

German think-tank Agora Energiewende has written an extensive advisory and concrete work plan for the European Commission to help it reach its climate targets. The building industr... Read more

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Mustbe0 design competition: Winners of Net zero energy concept designs for low rise flats - BowTieSprong with Bow Tie Construction, Gardner Stewart Architects, Mauer UK and Nilan UK.

Discover Mustbe0 in the UK

21% of UK dwellings are flats, representing 5.9 million homes according to BRE Group. To achieve the country’s 2050 net-zero target, any retrofit plans must consider these housing types too.

Having proven itself as a concept in the UK, primarily in single unit housing types, the Energiesprong approach is now being used on multi-storey buildings as part of the MustBe0 project - helping achieve two important goals:

  • creating affordable, net-zero homes where people love to live; and
  • kickstarting the market for retrofitting these buildings with solution providers and suppliers focusing on developing and improving retrofit packages to drive down costs and installation times.

Pioneering multi-storey retrofit in London

Energiesprong UK is working with two housing estates as demonstrators, in different boroughs in London:

Village Park Estate, London Borough of Ealing

The London Borough of Ealing is already committed to implementing an Energiesprong retrofit project of 2-storey traditional brick houses on the Village Park Estate, which is a large post-1930 housing estate in the South Acton area of the Borough.

The Mustbe0 project will add 24 flats to this programme: 2-storey flats, with 4 flats to a block. They are large flats with a 60m2 internal floor area. This is the first time this common archetypal building has been retrofitted to the net zero standard in the UK.

London Borough of Ealing is also one of Energiesprong UK’s Innovation Partnership’s founding landlords. This project is designed to create a new approach to retrofit procurement, which will unlock up to £10bn to kickstart large-scale, whole-house retrofits for the UK social housing stock.

Treadgold House, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

Treadgold House, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

Treadgold House is a 5-storey apartment block of 38 flats on the Lancaster West Estate. The flats have an average of 57m2 internal floor area (a range of 32-75m2).

The Lancaster West Estate is situated in Notting Dale in north Kensington, London. There are 795 homes across the estate, the majority of which are flats. The tragedy of the fire at Grenfell Tower in June 2017 highlighted the need for the estate to be maintained and refurbished and for its residents to be an integral part of this process.

Resident engagement is therefore extremely important, with residents views informing decisions on the design and delivery of the refurbishment throughout. In Dec 2020, 96% voted in favour of using external wall insulation. Construction begins early in 2022, with in-depth resident engagement planned throughout the project.

Delivering innovation with the Mustbe0 design competition

Launched in 2019, the Mustbe0 design competition was launched, designed to develop new approaches for high-performance, scalable and cost-effective net zero retrofit solutions for apartment blocks.

6 winning teams presented their concept designs at Futurebuild in London, March 2020, representing 3 categories:

  • Build up: adding a layer of new dwellings on top of existing flats while ensuring whole building net zero energy
  • Net zero energy for low rise apartments (< 4 stories)
  • Billing, metering and monitoring.

Discover more about the inspiring winners of the Mustbe0 design competition, and their progress as of December 2020. Energiesprong UK is continues to support the winners in developing the market in a way that allows their great ideas to become reality.


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Interreg NWE 2021-2027: check the list of call 2 step 1 approved projects

Posted on 21-04-2023

27 projects from the Interreg NWE 2021-2027 call 2 step 1 were approved by the Monitoring Committee in a meeting on 20-21 April 2023 in Lille, France. Read more

Interview with David Grzegorzewski

Posted on 04-04-2023

Get to know David Grzegorzewski who took over the role of Programme Director for Interreg NWE on 1st March 2023. Read more

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