
Edible insects: Market prospects

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The edible insect market is forecast to be worth $1.5bn by 2026, and $7.5bn by 2030. This growth had been based upon the continued consumer demand for high protein and low-calorie ingredients, leading to the food and beverage industries racing to produce attractive innovative insect products. Insects are predicted to be the biggest growing sector within the alternative protein sources. Read More

The ValuSect vouchers call for insect-based food products development is open, apply now!

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The ValuSect call for vouchers has been launched today! SMEs with an innovative idea for the development of the edible insects business in Europe can now apply for a voucher worth up to €40.000 in services provided by the projects partners, experts in the breeding, transformation and marketing of insects for food. The consortium will select 40 cases over 3 years. Read More