
Transparent and secure agrofood chain through digitalisation: it can be done!

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Blockchain is seen as one of the digitisation tools to improve the transparency, efficiency and competitiveness of agrofood and the position of farmers in agrofood chains. Dr Lan van Wassenaer, senior scientist at Wageningen University & Research, was commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality to research possible applications and bottlenecks. Maaike Büchner, project manager for food at Oost NL, can use the INTERREG programme Blockstart to remove possible bottlenecks. Read More

Current Challenges in the Healthcare System

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Blockchain is seen as the silver bullet that can solve any problem in any business. But when we talk about the healthcare sector and see the wasteful spending of more than $1 Trillion, blockchain becomes the silver bullet that can help save a large chunk of that $1T and create a lot of value for the healthcare sector, as well as opportunities for new businesses to capture the market. Read More

Improving Traceability with Blockchain

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The Blockstart Project is on a mission to help small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in North-West Europe (NWE) confront their challenges with the most effective, efficient solutions blockchain can offer. To guarantee the sustainability of the missions undertaken in the Blockstart Project, Medicen Paris Region took the initiative to organise a webinar on how to improve traceability with blockchain. Read More

Partner Spotlight: ChainPoint

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Blockstart brings small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and a partner network of experts together to help European SMEs make the most of blockchain technology. SMEs often don’t have access to the R&D and strategic business resources necessary to profit from emerging technologies, such as blockchain. This is where Blockstart’s partner network comes in, providing training, support and blockchain solution development to SMEs – for free! Read More