News & Blogs

eMEN seminar in Paris with focus on training and app evaluation

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The fourth and last French Emen conference "E-mental health (eMH): Training of Stakeholders & Evaluation of Tools" that took place at the Ministry for Solidarity and Health in Paris on the 6th of March 2020 gathered 150 people: health care professionals and peer support workers, researchers and academics, nonprofit actors, public personalities, mental health users, private sector from France, Europe or Canada. Read More

Online masterclasses online treatment with e-mental health

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At the beginning of 2020, the world was confronted with the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. With this outbreak the demand for online treatment increased dramatically. But not al health personnel knows exactly how to use and treat people with e-mental health (eMH). E-health Specialists, a company which want to promote the hands on use of e-mental health (eMH), started organizing free webinars on online treatment in March. Read More

eMEN capitalisation proposal approved by the Interreg NWE Monitoring Committee

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The eMEN project will continue until the end of 2021 with additional Interreg NWE funding for the implementation of a number of capitalisation activities. The objective of the capitalisation is to implement specific process innovation activities which stimulate roll-out of eMH technology to service providers in rural areas and transnational. Capitalisation will be implemented in the Netherland, Belgium, France, Germany and Ireland . Read More

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and personalised mental health interventions (Oyono Vlijter, eMEN project leader)

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In many countries there is a clear need to improve access to treatment services. There are not enough clinicians to frequently monitor patients with clinical interviews, necessary to avoid costly emergency care and other crisis events. In addition, clinicians have limited time for each patient and patients do not always live in a short distance from their mental health service providers. Although Artificial Intelligence (AI) cannot simulate emotional intelligence and perception - a unique aspect of psychiatry - it could be an effective way to breach the gap between limited access and treatment time. Read More