
15 mei 2022 – Ontdek de wondere wereld van eetbare insecten in Plantentuin Meise

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Op zoek naar een leuke, educatieve en originele familiedag? Het ValuSect consortium nodigt u uit om het fascinerende universum van eetbare insecten te ontdekken op zondag 15 mei in de Plantentuin Meise tijdens ons evenement "Bugs to the future - eetbare insecten: ben jij er klaar voor ?". In dit prachtige kader krijgt u de kans om verschillende voedingswaren met eetbare insecten te proeven en meer te leren over de insectenkweek in België. Read More

15 May 2022 - Join us at the Meise Botanic Garden to discover the wonderful world of edible insects

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Looking for a fun, educative and original family day? The ValuSect consortium invites you to uncover the fascinating universe of edible insects on Sunday 15 May at the Meise Botanic Garden during our event “Bugs to the future: are you ready for edible insects?”. In this beautiful setting, you will get the opportunity to taste various types of insect-based food and learn more about insect farming in Belgium. Read More

ValuSect launches a great opportunity for SMEs in the edible insect sector

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The ValuSect consortium is glad to announce the launch of its second call for interest to receive vouchers. SMEs in the edible insect sector can apply to receive different types of services, worth €10k to €40k. The services cover a broad range of activities on all parts of the value chain: technological services, food development and innovation, consumer acceptance and strategic business services, all related to insect-based food products. Read More