
2020/10/01: Workshop in Brussels on the pre-demolition audit

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The FCRBE guides has been tackled during a Workshop organized by the Reuse Platform here in Brussels on the pre-demolition inventaries. The objectives of this event were to understand where the actors in the construction industry stand in the implementation of inventories with the aim of reusing building materials in their projects and to understand the obstacles they've met during its realization. This discussion also took place in order to define the place of this reuse-inventory in the framework of waste-related inventories. The FCRBE manuals are not presented in details during this workshop. The organisers of this event assumed that the participants were professionals already familiar with these tools. Read More

New deliverable! How to conduct a reclamation audit.

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FCRBE Project has published a new deliverable that offers guidelines on conducting a reclamation audit. A reclamation audit is an operation carried out in buildings scheduled for partial or total demolition. It aims at identifying the building materials and products presenting a high reuse potential. This audit results in a ‘reclamation inventory’, listing the identified reusable building elements. The resulting inventories present information on the materials' and products' characteristics such as dimensions, quantities, conditions, environmental impact, technical characteristics, disassembly recommendations, etc. This manual presents a method on how to conduct these audits. Read More

Application for Summer School is open!

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The University of Brighton’s School of Architecture and Design will be hosting a five-day International Summer School from 17-21 August 2020. Aimed at students from the worlds of design, architecture, construction and engineering, the School of Re-construction (Sor-c) will demonstrate ways to re-use materials from local construction sites. Read More

New deliverable! The review of pre-demolition tools and resources has been published

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FCRBE has published the report "Review of existing pre-demolition tools, policies, resources for identifying, quantifying and organizing the reclamation of reusable elements.“ The report collects examples and illustrations coming from different professional practices in which the assessment of the reuse potential in existing buildings plays an important role or is supported. Read More