Towards Adhesive-Free Timber Buildings (AFTB)
Project Summary
Adhesive-Free Timber Buildings addresses the wasteful and harmful use of toxic adhesives in the manufacturing of Engineered Wood Products (EWPs) by the construction industry.
Providing confidence in the structural properties of adhesive-free EWPs, using compressed wood is the key to this market uptake.
University, industry and the public sector will co-operate to demonstrate new adhesive-free EWPs using new technology, encouraging and enabling market uptake across North West Europe (NWE).
The project will move the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) from 4 to 7.
More than 5 million m3 of EWPs were produced in the EU in 2013/14 and the market is growing, as EWPs provide a "green" alternative to steel and concrete in construction. In the long-term, the project aims to result in the production of 1 million m3 of adhesive free products and remove 6000 tonnes of the toxic adhesives currently used in manufacturing. The adhesive-free products will be 100% reusable and recyclable. This will have a positive impact in North West Europe where the majority of EWPs go to landfill or incineration contributing to the 15 million tonnes of timber construction waste in landfill across Europe each year. In the long term, the project aims to result in the reduction of EWPs to landfill by 0.5 million tonnes at end of life.
Adhesive-Free Timber Buildings will support ten NWE businesses to adopt the new technology and produce a range of adhesive free EWPs. This will have additional benefits leading to competitive advantage, economic growth and sustainable jobs. The new technology will also contribute to the sustainable management of forests in NWE and connected rural livelihoods by adding value to locally available low-quality timber.
The advocacy, influencing and business support activity undertaken in the Long-Term Effects work package will sustain these positive impacts after the project has ended.
Follow us on Twitter @AFTbuildings

AFTB - A Step Towards a Greener Future
Towards Adhesive Free Timber Buildings (AFTB)Project Partners
National University of Ireland, Galway
1 University Road
Ireland -
Université de Lorraine
34 Cours Leopold
Nancy Cedex
CS 25233 54052
France -
Technische Universität Dresden
10 Helmholtzstraße
Germany -
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
1 rue du Brill
Luxembourg -
Office économique wallon du bois
4 ZI Aye, Rue de la Croissance
Belgium -
University of Liverpool
765 Brownlow Hill
L69 7ZX
United Kingdom
Lead partner
Organisation | Address | Website | |
University of Liverpool |
765 Brownlow Hill Liverpool L69 7ZX United Kingdom | | |
Name | Contact Name | Country | |
National University of Ireland, Galway | Annette Harte | | Ireland |
Université de Lorraine | Marc Oudjene | | France |
Technische Universität Dresden | Siavash Mahjourian Namari | | Germany |
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology | Belouettar Salim | | Luxembourg |
Office économique wallon du bois | François Deneufbourg | | Belgium |

25/10/2019 - 62nd SWST International Conference
The Society of Wood Science and Technology (SWST) - International Convention is a global event held annually for the field of wood science and applied branches. The convention attracts industry, government officials, architectures, design professionals, wood scientists, technologists, structural engineers, researchers, policy makers and other professionals concerned with the most recent innovations with timber materials.
This year’s convention attracted 150+ delegates from 27 countries. Sameer Mehra from the Timber Engineering Research Group (TERG), National University of Ireland Galway delivered an oral and a poster presentation on “Moment Rotation Behaviour of Beam-Column Connection Fastened Using Compressed Wood Connectors”. AFTB Project brochures and technical notes were distributed to participants.
Pictured: Sameer Mehra presenting his work on Adhesive Free connections

08/07/2019 - Forest Industries Ireland Event, Dublin
Prof. Annette Harte of the Timber Engineering Research Group was an invited speaker at Forest Industry Irelands event entitled, Forestry: Real Solutions to Ireland’s Climate Emergency on the 8/7/19 in The National Botanical Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin, Ireland. The event was attended by Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment Richard Bruton and Minister of State for Food, Forestry and Horticulture, Andrew Doyle alongside academic staff from Universities and Institutes of technology around Ireland, Forestry experts, Enterprise Ireland and Coillte. Prof. Harte discussed forestry practices in Ireland, the role of timber in construction and the potential for buildings to store carbon and offset carbon emissions associated with other commonly used construction materials.
Pictured: Prof. Annette Harte addressing the crowd during the panel questions.

28/06/2019 - Construire en bois sans colle et sans métaux
The Office Economique Wallon du Bois, together with Jobs@Skills, have organised a lecture series with a focus on processes of manufacturing timber products for adding value uses. As part of this, a conference called « Construire en bois sans colle et sans métaux » (Building in timber without glues or metals) was organised in Mariembourg, Belgium on Friday 28th of June 2019. Prof. Peer Haller from the University of Dresden presented the objectives and research activities of the AFTB project related to adhesive-free building elements in addition to the intelligent use of forest resources and the structural use of timber products.
More Info: Here
Pictured: prof. Peer Haller presenting at the conference.

26/06/2019 - Visit to LBC Hardwoods, Chester
Dr Sotayo of the University of Liverpool visited LBC Hardwoods to observe and document the process of manufacturing the Adhesive Free Laminated Timber (AFLT) beams and Adhesive Free Cross Laminated Timber (AFCLT) panels. LBC Hardwoods is a timber joinery company based in Chester, UK with years of experience in the design, manufacture and assembly of timber frames and structures. They demonstrated the capabilities of their 6-axis CNC machine, which makes the process more efficient in comparison to manual drilling.
CNC Machine Video: Click here
LBC Hardwoods Website: Click here
Pictured: Dr Sotayo with the engineers at LBC Hardwoods

21/06/19 - Le Bois dans la Construction (Wood in Construction)
Estelle Courtois of the OEWB presented the objectives and research activities of the AFTB Project as part of a learning program organised at the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve, called “Le Bois dans la Construction (translated: Wood in Construction). The event was largely attended by architects interested in the topic of renewable, green construction materials. The AFTB topics of densified wood and construction without adhesives generated interesting discussions.
Pictured: Estelle Courtois presents at "Le Bois dand La Construction".

20/06/2019 - WMCAUS 2019, Prague, Czech Republic
Dr. Zhongwei Guan of the University of Liverpool gave a keynote presentation on the Development of Adhesive Free Engineered Wood Products for Adhesive Free Timber Buildings at the 4th World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban Planning Symposium 2019 in Prague, Czech Republic. The event was attended by a broad range of disciplines within the construction industry such as engineers and architects interested in the latest advances in construction.
More info on WMCAUS 2019: Here
See the publication: Here
Pictured: Dr. Zhongwei Guan presenting at WMCAUS 2019

19/06/19 - CompWood 2019, Växjö, Sweden
Dr Adeayo Sotayo of the University of Liverpool and Dr Iman Mohseni of the National University of Ireland Galway attended and presented at the 2019 International Conference on Computational Methods in Wood Mechanics – from Material Properties to Timber Structures (CompWood 2019) at Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden. This conference is devoted to computational methods applied in the field of wood mechanics and timber engineering for research from material properties up to structural applications. The event brings together leading academic scientists, researcher scholars and young scientists, and aims at providing a platform for scientific exchange and facilitating discussions of research topics in wood mechanics and timber engineering. The 2019 edition comprised approximately 150 delegates from 22 countries.
More Info: Conference Website
Pictured: Dr Adeayo Sotayo of the University of Liverpool delivering his oral presentation on “Numerical Modelling and Experimental Investigation of Compressed Wood Dowel Connected Laminated Timber Members”

11/06/2019 - Inspiring Future Engineers, Bristol
Dr Sotayo of the University of Liverpool attended a mentoring scheme for aspiring engineers (Year 9 pupils) from the City Academy, Bristol, which took place at the University of Bristol. Dr Sotayo showcased some of the technology being developed by the AFTB project with compressed wood samples alongside some 3D printed objects to engage with students, highlight innovation and problem-solving techniques, and environmental considerations towards a sustainable future.
Pictured: Dr Sotayo demonstrating some samples related to the AFTB project alongside some 3D printed objects.

11/06/2019 - Visit to National Composites Centre (NCC), Bristol
Dr Sotayo visited the National Composites Centre (NCC) in Bristol on a tour of the facilities with Neil Appleton (Market Development Lead and construction expert) and discussed the AFTB technology especially the option of increasing the production of compressed wood dowels and plates with their 1800 ton and 3600-ton hydraulic press. Dr Sotayo and Neil Appleton also discussed modern timber construction technologies, with the aim of identifying future collaborations between the NCC and University of Liverpool.
The NCC is an independent, open-access national centre that delivers world-class innovation in the design and rapid manufacture of composites and facilitates their widespread industrial exploitation. Also, NCC provides manufacturing facilities at an industrial scale and rapid manufacturing processes capable of building prototypes to validate design concepts.
Pictured: Dr Sotayo with Neil Appleton (Market Development Lead in Construction) and Jamie at the National Composites Centre (NCC) – Bristol

30/05/2019 - National Forestry Conference 2019, Ireland
The Timber Engineering Research Group of the National University of Ireland Galway participated in 2019 National Forestry Conference held at Johnstown, Enfield, Co. Meath, Ireland. The event provided a platform for key stakeholders to discuss the role of forestry and timber construction in climate change mitigation. Dr. Annette Harte, Sameer Mehra and Dr. Conan O’Ceallaigh discussed the ongoing development of AFTB project with the delegates of the conference and distributed project brochures and technical notes to interested participants.
Picture (Left to Right): Sameer Mehra, PhD Researcher National University of Ireland Galway; Andrew Doyle TD, Minister of State for Food, Forestry and Horticulture, Ireland; Mairi Gougeon MSP, Minister for Rural Affairs and Natural Environment, Scotland; Dr. Annette M. Harte, Senior Lecturer National University of Ireland Galway.

21/05/2019 - Solid Wood Solutions, London
The Timber Engineering Research Group of the National University of Ireland Galway exhibited at Solid Wood Solutions 2019 in London on the 21st of May 2019. Solid Wood Solutions, which was attended by architects, building professionals, engineers, researchers and policymakers, shines a spotlight on pioneering timber projects through informative case studies presented by those who conceived and developed the buildings that are gaining global attention. This event presented a great opportunity to gain insight and network with those who are shaping the future of the engineered timber industry. Dr. Annette Harte, Sameer Mehra and Dr. Conan O’Ceallaigh discussed the ongoing research within the AFTB project with many delegates from the event. Project brochures and technical notes were distributed to participants.

09/05/2019 - Fête de l’Europe
Dr. Ahmed Makradi was invited by the Interreg program contact point at Luxembourg Nicole Skirde-Vural, to present the objectives of the Adhesive Free Timber Building project and the ongoing research activities on adhesive free timber structural elements. Fête de l’Europe, which took place on the 9th of May 2019 in Luxembourg, was attended by approximately 500 people.
Pictured (Left to Right): Nicole Skirde-Vural, Interreg Program Contact Point and Dr. Ahmed Makradi.

State of the Art & Objectives
On Friday, 26th April 2019, the AFTB members presented the findings of the project to date to timber construction companies, architects, engineers and others in a practical way.
Since 2016, the European Union has been supporting and promoting the Adhesive-Free Timber Buildings (AFTB) project, the goal of which is to build in wood, without steel and glue -in order to preserve the health and environmental benefits of timber construction.
This focused workshop, hosted by AFTB's TU Dresden, in particular Peer Haller, disseminated results and know-how from the first two years to date.
Critically, in terms of future progression and impact, it was an opportunity to learn directly from timber industry stakeholders what research would be most useful to conduct in year 3 of AFTB and in potential future projects.

05/04/2019 - Forum International Bois Construction (FBC2019)
The AFTB partners from Université de Lorraine, Office Economique Wallon du Bois were in attendance at the Forum International Bois Construction (FBC2019), Nancy France from the 3-5th of April 2019. Marc Oudjene (Université de Lorraine) presented the objectives and research on adhesive free timber technology to an audience of approximately 250 building professionals policymakers and students. Also in attendance from Office Economique Wallon du Bois, Estelle Courtois discussed to the ongoing research of the AFTB project with SMEs from Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg among other countries in attendance.
Pictured (Left to Right): Marc Oudjene, Université de Lorraine (France), Mme Emmanuelle Cosse, ex-ministre du Logement et de l’Habitat durable (France), Estelle Courtois, Office Economique Wallon du Bois (Belgique).

22/03/2019 - Bois & Habitat 2019
The Adhesive-Free Timber Buildings (AFTB) project was presented at the annual timber fair Bois & Habitat in Namur, Belgium on the 22nd of March 2019. The production of compressed wood in more environment-friendly construction products was a topic that attracted a large audience. In total four technical presentations were given by members of the AFTB project team. Firstly, François Deneufbourg from the Office Economique Wallon du Bois (OEWB) introduced the global context of the project followed by Estelle Courtois from the OEWB who presented the challenges of the project. Professor Marc Oudjene explained the outcomes of the research done by the University of Lorraine and finally, David Fiorelli from the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology presented the numerical modelling tools developed together with Ahmed Makradi. The conference provided a questions and answers session which provided an opportunity to engage with and understand the needs of the audience which comprised engineers, product manufacturer, building professionals and members of the general public.
Pictured: Estelle Courtois from the OEWB

AFTB consortium member Luxembourg University of Science and Technology (LIST) is holding a tendering exercise to commission a report on the constraints and opportunities presented by the scaling up of all-timber construction techniques. This work is funded by the towards Adhesive-Free Timber Buildings Project, through ERDF programme Interreg North-West Europe.
AFTB consortium member Luxembourg University of Science and Technology (LIST) is holding a tendering exercise to commission a report on the constraints and opportunities presented by the scaling up of all-timber construction techniques.
This work is funded by the towards Adhesive-Free Timber Buildings Project, through ERDF programme Interreg North-West Europe.
AFTB consortium member Luxembourg University of Science and Technology (LIST) is holding a tendering exercise to commission a report on the constraints and opportunities presented by the scaling up of all-timber construction techniques. Details specification and selection criteria are listed below. The guide budget for the exercise is ca. €10,000 ex VAT, though all submissions will be considered. Payment will be following acceptance of the final report, which is required to be completed by October 1st 2019.
This work is funded by the towards Adhesive-Free Timber Buildings Project, through ERDF programme Interreg North-West Europe.
The report should cover:
A detailed overview of existing all-timber construction methods, defined as those timber methods which do not principally rely on adhesive, and to a lesser extent metal fixings.
These would include Brettstapel and dowel-laminated timber (DLT) panels. Covering:
- Craft-person effort
- Lead times
- Process scheduling
- Environmental impact
- Future recyclability/reusability
- Planning, regulatory issues
• An analysis of the additional costs, complications and benefits of this approach as compared to glulam/CLT construction.
• An analysis of the costs, difficulties and potential market opportunities of incorporating:
- All-timber, semi-ductile connections including highly densified timber plates (laboratory scale data, including on production methods, to be provided by the AFTB project).
- Highly densified timber dowels in dowel laminated beams and panels (laboratory scale data, including on production methods, to be provided by the AFTB project).
The final analysis should also be presented via the framework of a hypothetical construction operation in the North-West European area with a production rate of fifty two or more storey dwellings per year. The intended audience are academics, timber-industry and related professionals, who are expected to have a good knowledge of basic concepts in timber engineering and construction.
The report should be in English and be formatted to a high level such that it can be published online and in print.
Selection Process
Proposals covering content, depth and proposed fees should be submitted by email to Ms Christelle Vergnat, by April 1st 2019. The proposals should also include a justification of the expertise of the author(s) and, if possible, an example of their previous work. Please include a conflict of interest statement detailing any financial, professional or business interest related to the topic of the report.
Proposals will be scored against the two criteria below. Proposed cost will also be scored and the three figures aggregated to yield the successful entry:
- Does the scope and depth of the proposal match the description above?
- Does the expertise and past performance of the authors indicate that the product will be of high quality?
All applicants will be notified of their success or otherwise by email by Friday 12th of April.
Any questions may be directed to Dan Bradley,

14/03/2019 - National Construction Summit 2019, Ireland
The Timber Engineering Research Group of the National University of Ireland Galway participated in a 5th National Construction Summit held at Citywest Exhibition Centre Dublin Ireland. The event provided a forum for key stakeholders across the industry to gather and discuss pressing issues and also offered visitors the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and to network in the field of construction, engineering, sustainable buildings, architecture etc. Dr Conan O’Ceallaigh, Adjunct Lecturer and Post-doctoral Researcher, National University of Ireland Galway presented ongoing developments of AFTB project at NUI Galway.
Picture: Dr. Conan O'Ceallaigh, NUI Galway
27/02/2019 - Innovation Hub Meeting, Dublin, Ireland
The Timber Engineering Research Group of the National University of Ireland Galway, gathered with Irelands top timber technology and timber engineering researchers in collaboration with the Department of Food, Agriculture and the Marine (DAFM), Coillte and Enterprise Ireland in Dublin on the 27th February 2019 to discuss the ongoing research with a focus on development in the timber sector and skills challenges. Dr Conan O’Ceallaigh, Adjunct Lecturer and Post-doctoral Researcher, National University of Ireland discussed the potential for adhesive-free engineered wood products with the attendees.

16/11/2018 - Timber Construction Congress, France
Mr. Van Diem THI of the University of Lorraine presented on Friday 16th November 2018 at the Regional Congress of Timber Construction in Jonzac, France. The objective of AFTB project was presented to timber construction companies in attendance and the research ongoing activities in the University of Lorraine, Epinal was presented. Many discussions were exchanged with audience members.
Pictured: M. Van-Diem THI from the University of Lorraine during his presentation.

05/10/2018 - Innovation Hub, Ireland
The Timber Engineering Research Group of the National University of Ireland Galway, gathered with Irelands top timber technology and timber engineering researchers in collaboration with the Department of Food, Agriculture and the Marine (DAFM), Coillte and Enterprise Ireland in Athlone on the 5th of October 2018 to discuss the ongoing research with a focus on development in the timber sector and skills challenges

29/08/2018 - Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine visit to NUI Galway
The members of the Timber Engineering Research Group (TERG), National University of Ireland Galway presented the recent developments on various ongoing projects. The presentations covered a wide range of research topics from silviculture management of forestry plantations to development and utilization of engineered wood products. A presentation on “Recent developments of the project Towards Adhesive Free Timber Buildings” was delivered by Sameer Mehra. AFTB project was promoted to the attendees and brochures were given to interested participants.
Pictured: Dr. Annette Harte with the delegates from DAFM and researchers of Timber Engineering Research Group (TERG)

22/08/2018 - WCTE 2018, Seoul, Rep. of Korea
The AFTB team were in attendance at the World Conference on Timber Engineering 2018 (WCTE 2018) in Seoul, Rep. of Korea from the 20-23 of August. Attended by over 700 participants, WCTE is the world's premier forum for presenting and discussing the latest technical developments and innovations in wood and timber engineering. The ongoing work within the AFTB project was presented at the conference. Four conference articles are now available in the conference proceedings.
21/06/2018 - Forest Industry Innovation Hub, Ireland
The Timber Engineering Research group attended the Forestry Industry Innovation Hub on the 21/6/18 in Athlone, Co. Westmeath. The event was attended by academic staff from Universities and Institutes of technology around Ireland and Forestry experts from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Enterprise Ireland and Coillte. The function of this Hub is to create collaborative links between industry and the applied research community within Ireland to develop the innovative uses of Irish timber. The ongoing work in the AFTB project was presented.

20/06/2018 - Visit of Trada University Engagement Manager to AFTB Project
The University of Liverpool, AFTB project team were pleased to host Tabitha Binding, the new TRADA University Engagement Manager. Tabitha took a great interest in the project and we will work with her in the future to help disseminate the project achievements.
Pictured:(Left-Right) Dr Ade Sotayo (AFTB Postdoctoral Fellow), Tabitha Binding (TRADA University Engagement Manager), Dr Zhongwei Guan (AFTB Lead Partner PI).

18/04/2018 - AFTB visit Entreprise Weisrock (Glulam Manufacturer)
Marc Oudjene of the Université of Lorraine meets the Weisrock company (glulam manufacturer) to study the possibility of manufacturing curved multi-layered beams using compressed wood dowels, for the UL demonstrator building.
03/04/2018 - Annette Harte presents AFTB to the Master of Architecture Students at UCD
Dr. Annette Harte presented the objectives of the AFTB project to the Master of Architecture Students at University College Dublin (UCD) on 03/04/2018. The possibilities and advantages of engineered timber and in Particular current work on the use of adhesive-free technology was presented to 25+ architectural students.

28/02/2018 - PI Workshop, De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms
Adhesive Free Timber Buildings PI Dr Zhongwei Guan and project manager Dan Bradley attended the Interreg NWE Project Ideas workshop in London this week. Over 150 prospective applicants had gathered to learn more about opportunities in the Interreg research program.
Zainab Agha, the Deputy Director of Policy and Partnership at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government opened the meeting. Her speech spoke highly of European research cooperation and highlighted the message that, until Brexit occurs, UK partners should be able to fully participate in applying for EU research finding. She mentioned AFTB by name, as an ERDF funded project with a UK lead.
Dr Guan (Pictured) then presented on the topic of AFTB and our experience of the application process, speaking of the importance of transnational cooperation in achieving research aims as well as describing the process by which the project’s outputs were benchmarked against a baseline. He then answered several questions from the audience before participants attended workshops based on the Interreg research themes.

23/02/2018 - Ryan Institute Annual Research Day 2018, NUI Galway, Ireland
The Timber Engineering Research Group (TERG) of National University of Ireland Galway participated in the Ryan Institute Research Day 2018 organised by Ryan Institute, NUIG. The theme of the research day was ‘Sustainability Horizons - Our Common Future’. A wide range of posters were presented by researchers from across Ireland. Members of the TERG presented their ongoing research on engineered wood products and the use of timber in multi-storey construction. The session was used as a platform to showcase and promote the AFTB project.
Pictured: Sameer Mehra, PhD Researcher, National University of Ireland Galway explaining the objectives of his work to members of the audience.
08/02/2018 - Der Spiegel Article on Wood Modification
In a recent interview published in Der Speigel, Prof Peer Haller, Technical University of Dresden, discussed the significant increase in strength of timber elements that can be achieved through wood modification using techniques such as thermal compression.
Follow the link below for further reading

9/12/2017 - AFTB Partner Meeting, UL, Epinal, France
Great progress was made at the AFTB project meeting hosted by Dr Marc Oudjene of the Université Lorraine on the 8th and 9th of December. All project partners presented ongoing work in their respective institutions. This meeting provided a great opportunity to communicate, discuss project goals, collaborate together and focus on achieving the project objectives outlined.
Pictured: AFTB project partners

23/11/2017 - GDR BOIS; Annual GDR3544 Wood Science event in Nantes
Ms. Imane E Houjeyri, M. Tuan Anh Bui, M. Trong Tuan Tran and Dr. Marc Oudjene of the University of Lorraine were very happy to present and introduce, to the scientific and industrial communities, the AFTB project at Annual GDR3544 Wood Science event in Nantes (France). Three posters were held in conjunction with this event where the AFTB project was promoted.
Pictured: Imane E Houjeyri, PhD student from University of Lorraine
For more information:

13/11/2017 - Cunliffes Limited welcomed to the project as sub-partner
The University of Liverpool AFTB partner are excited to have had their first project meeting with Liverpool-based company, Cunliffes Limited. As architectural adviser, Cunliffes will provide advice and support in the design and construction of a demonstrator building at Ness Botanic Gardens, Ness, UK.
Cunliffes are an ISO 9001 Quality Assured multi-disciplinary private practice offering property and construction consultancy services to private and public sector clients.
Professional services offered include Architectural Design, Project Management, Building Surveying, Quantity Surveying, Employers Agent, Party Wall Surveyor and CDM Principal Designer.
Cunliffes’ clients include schools and colleges, universities, local Diocese and religious orders, museums, community organisations, financial institutions, housing associations, healthcare, financial institutions, developers and private clients.
Cunliffes’ specialise in the education sector and have in-house expertise with particular emphasis on the primary and secondary sectors, Academies and Universities.

31/8/17 - "Talking Timber" Event organised by Teagasc
The Timber Engineering Research Group of National University of Ireland Galway participated in a timber marketing event entitled “Talking Timber” organised by Teagasc with the co-operation of the Irish timber industry and the Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Ireland. The event providing opportunities for forest owners to familiarise themselves with the timber sales process, various timber harvesting techniques and added value products such as Glulam and CLT products. A poster exhibition was held in conjunction with the event where the AFTB project was promoted.

14/8/2017 - Industrial Visit to Matthew O'Malley Joinery, Ireland
The Timber Engineering Research Group of the National University of Ireland Galway visited Matthew O’Malley Joinery, Woodford, Co Galway. The aim of the visit was to explore and understand techniques involved in traditional joinery without using adhesives i.e. building construction using treenails and wooden pegs. Objectives and current proceedings of the project had been discussed with the building design professionals and carpenters.

04/7/2017 - 3rd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, University Alma Mater of Bologna, Italy
Ms. Imane E Houjeyri and Dr. Marc Oudjene of the University of Lorraine were very happy to present and introduce, to the scientific and industrial communities, the AFTB project at the 3rd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites which was held at the University Alma Mater of Bologna, Italy. A poster exhibition was held in conjunction with the event where the AFTB project was promoted.
Melle Imane E Houjeyri et le Mr. Marc Oudjene de l’Université de Lorraine ont eu beaucoup de Plaisir d’introduire et de présenter, aux communautés scientifique et industrielle, le projet Européen AFTB à la 3ème Conférence Internationale «Mechanics of Composites » qui s’est déroulée à l’Université Alma Mater de Bologne, en Italie. Un poster a été présenté lors de cet évènement pour la promotion du projet AFTB.
Pictured (Left-Right): Prof. Antonio J.M. Ferreira, Conference Chair and Editor-in-Chief of Composite Structures (ELSEVIER), University of Porto (Portugal), Ms. Imane El Houjeyri, PhD Researcher, University of Lorraine, Laëtitia Duigou, Institut de Recherche Dupuy de Lôme (France), and Dr. Marc Oudjene, Associate-Professor, University of Lorraine (France).

12/6/2017 - WMCAUS Symposium 2017 in Prague, Czech Republic
The main mission of "World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium - WMCAUS" is to lead to contribute in multidisciplinary studies related to Civil Engineering, Architecture, City and Urban Planning and to improve interactions between people within these fields. Dr Zhongwei, of the University of Liverpool, presented the AFTB project to the society of civil engineering, architect and urban planning.
Pictured: Dr. Zhongwei Guan, AFTB Project Lead, University of Liverpool presenting "Towards Adhesive Free Timber Buildings" to the society of civil engineering, architect and urban planning

16/5/2017 - Ministerial Announcement at The National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Dr Annette Harte and the Timber Engineering Research Group at The National University of Ireland, Galway were very happy to welcome the Minister of State for Food, Forestry and Horticulture, Andrew Doyle TD to announce a three-year initiative to characterise the strength properties of Irish timber for European regulatory authorities. Dr Harte and PhD Researcher, Sameer Mehra, took the opportunity to explain some of the ongoing work in the research group related to adhesive free engineered wood products under the Interreg NWE funded AFTB Project.
Pictured (Left-Right): Prof. Pól Ó Dochartaigh, Registrar and Deputy-President, NUI Galway, Mr Sameer Mehra, PhD Researcher, NUI Galway, Dr Annette Harte, Vice-Dean of the College of Engineering and Informatics, NUI Galway, and Minister of State for Food, Forestry and Horticulture, Andrew Doyle TD.
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Keep up to date
Follow us on TwitterAFTB Project Manager Dan Bradley (lead partner University of Liverpool) on the benefits of adhesive-free timber
Adhesive-Free Timber Buildings Demo. Structure for Épinal, France -AFTB's Marc Oudjene explains why
Future potential for Adhesive-Free Timber Buildings: AFTB's Estelle Courtois a key contact point for timber & construction industry stakeholders
Peer Haller of AFTB - on role & aims of TU Dresden demonstrator
AFTB - Properties of Compressed Wood Dowels
AFTB Research Publications
- Experimental characterisation of the moment-rotation behaviour of beam-column connections produced using compressed wood connectors
Mehra, Sameer; O'Ceallaigh, Conan; Sotayo, Adeayo; Guan, Zhongwei; Harte, Annette M, (2022) Experimental characterisation of the moment-rotation behaviour of beam-beam connections using compressed wood connectors. Construction and Building Materials, doi: Download
- Experimental investigation on the effect of accelerated ageing conditions on the pull-out capacity of compressed wood and hardwood dowel type fasteners.
Mehra S., Harte A.M, Sotayo, A., Guan Z., O’Ceallaigh C. (2021) Experimental investigation on the effect of accelerated ageing conditions on the pull-out capacity of compressed wood and hardwood dowel type fasteners. Holzforschung. doi:10.1515/hf-2021-0097 Download - Experimental characterisation of the moment-rotation behaviour of beam-beam connections using compressed wood connectors
Mehra, Sameer; O'Ceallaigh, Conan; Sotayo, Adeayo; Guan, Zhongwei; Harte, Annette M, (2021) Experimental characterisation of the moment-rotation behaviour of beam-beam connections using compressed wood connectors. Engineering Structures, doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.113132 Download
- Mechanical properties of compressed wood
Namari, Siavash, Drosky, Lukas, Pudlitz, Bianka, Haller, Peer, Sotayo, Adeayo, Bradley, Daniel, Mehra, Sameer O'Ceallaigh, Conan Harte, Annette M, El-houjeyri, Imane., Oudjene, Marc, Guan, Zhongwei (2021) Mechanical properties of compressed wood. Construction and Building Materials, Download
- Advanced numerical investigation on adhesive free timber structures
Bouhala, L., Fiorelli, D., Makradi, A., Belouettar, S., Sotayo, A., Bradley, D. and Guan, Z. (2020) Advanced numerical investigation on adhesive free timber structures. Composites Structures, 112389 Download
- Review of State of the Art of Dowel Laminated Timber Members and Densified Wood Materials as Sustainable Engineered Wood Products for Construction and Building Applications
A. Sotayo, D. Bradley, M. Bather, P. Sareh, M. Oudjene, I. El Houjeyri, A.M. Harte, S. Mehra, C. O'Ceallaigh, P. Haller, S. Namari, A. Makradi, S. Belouettar, L. Bouhala, F. Deneufbourg, Z. Guan, (2019) Review of State of the Art of Dowel Laminated Timber Members and Densified Wood Materials as Sustainable Engineered Wood Products for Construction and Building Applications. Developments in the Built Environment. Download - Development of Adhesive Free Engineered Wood Products for Adhesive Free Timber Buildings
Z. Guan, A. Sotayo, D. Bradley, M. Oudjene, I. El Houjeyri, V. Diem Thi, A.M. Harte, S. Mehra, P. Haller, S. Namari, A. Makradi, S. Belouettar, F. Deneufbourg, (2019) Development of Adhesive Free Engineered Wood Products for Adhesive Free Timber Buildings. In Proceedings of World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban Planning Symposium 2019 (WMCAUS2019) 17-21 June 2019, Prague, Czech Republic. Download - Numerical Modelling and Experimental Investigation of Compressed Wood Dowel Connected Laminated Timber Members
Sotayo, A., Bradley, D., Makradi, A., Belouettar, S. and Guan, Z. (2019). Numerical Modelling and Experimental Investigation of Compressed Wood Dowel Connected Laminated Timber Members. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computational Methods in Wood Mechanics – from Material Properties to Timber Structures. ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, Växjö. June 2019. Download - Numerical Modelling of Beam-beam Connection Systems using Compressed Wood Plates and Dowels
Mohseni I., Mehra, S., Sotayo A., Guan Z., Harte A.M., (2019). Numerical Modelling and Experimental Investigation of Compressed Wood Dowel Connected Laminated Timber Members. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computational Methods in Wood Mechanics – from Material Properties to Timber Structures. ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, Växjö. June 2019. Download
- Development of Adhesive Free Engineered Wood Products - Towards Adhesive Free Timber Buildings
Guan Z., Sotayo A., Oudjene M., El Houjeyri I., Harte A.M., Mehra S., Haller P., Namari S., Makradi A., Belouetter S., Deneufbourg F., (2018) Development of Adhesive Free Engineered Wood Products - Towards Adhesive Free Timber Buildings. In Proceedings of the WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering, Seoul, Rep. of Korea, August 20-23, 2018 Download - Evaluation of the Structural Behaviour of Beam-beam Connection Systems using Compressed Wood Dowels and Plates
Mehra S., O’Ceallaigh C., Lakzaeian F.H., Guan Z., Sotayo A., Harte A.M., (2018) Evaluation of the Structural Behaviour of Beam-beam Connection Systems using Compressed Wood Dowels and Plates. In Proceedings of the WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering, Seoul, Rep. of Korea, August 20-23, 2018 Download - An Investigation of the Structural Behaviour of Beam-beam Connections Systems Utilising Compressed Wood Dowels and Plates
Mehra S., O’Ceallaigh C., Guan Z., Sotayo A., Harte A.M., (2018) An Investigation of the Structural Behaviour of Beam-beam Connections Systems Utilising Compressed Wood Dowels and Plates. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS21), University of Bologna, Italy, 2018 Download - Finite Element Modelling and Analysis of Adhesive Free Laminated Timber Beams with Compressed Wood Fasteners
Sotayo, A., Au, S.K. and Guan, Z. (2018) Finite Element Modelling and Analysis of Adhesive Free Laminated Timber Beams with Compressed Wood Fasteners. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS21), University of Bologna, Italy, 2018. Download - Finite Element Modelling and Testing of Timber Laminated Beams Fastened with Compressed Wood Dowels
Sotayo A., Au S-K., Guan Z., (2018) Finite Element Modelling and Testing of Timber Laminated Beams Fastened with Compressed Wood Dowels. In Proceedings of the WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering, Seoul, Rep. of Korea, August 20-23, 2018 Download