Project Summary
HeatNet NWE will address the challenge of reducing CO2 emissions in North West Europe by creating an integrated transnational NWE approach to the supply of renewable and low carbon heat (incl. waste heat) to residential and commercial buildings. District Heating and Cooling facilitates energy efficiency, less CO2 emissions and a greener economy.
The project aims to develop and test 6 local district heating and cooling networks (DHC) in UK, Ireland, Belgium, France, and the Netherlands.
The overall objective is to introduce and demonstrate the 4th generation DHC (4DHC) in NWE. This is a low-temperature distribution system that minimises heat loss, integrates energy storage and renewable energy sources, and supplies multiple low energy buildings.
The concept requires the development of new institutional and organizational frameworks.
The project will result in 15,000 t CO2e saved per annum at its end.
The main outputs are:
1. A transferrable HeatNet model for the implementation of 4DHC schemes in NWE;
2. Six living labs develop, test and demonstrate through investments the HeatNet model to make it robust;
3. Transition Roadmaps plan for roll out of new technical, institutional & organizational arrangements in 6 living labs (new roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, regulation & policies, spatial planning, business models & viability, connection to finance and markets, acceptance, etc);
4. Promotion and fostering of the HeatNet model in NWE through Transition Roadmaps to secure wide and long term impact of HeatNet. The consortium combines emerging NWE-knowhow on 4DHC (Mijnwater BV, academic, energy planning) with the capacity in the long term to reduce institutional & organizational barriers and to deliver permanent infrastructure at local and regional level. Multiple partners expertise is diverse and needed to jointly develop and promote the HeatNet-model and assist 6 successful living labs at the investment sites.