(26/10/2023) Bouw het klimaat: Hoe kan ik bouwmaterialen hergebruiken?
An article about the freshly delivered FCRBE Practical Guides for diverse construction trades.
Visit the page.
(31/08/2023) Forum Bois Construction : la construction européenne à l’âge de la frugalité
Rotor presented the work and first results of the FCRBE project in Lille, during the Forum dedicated to the wood construction Forum.
Article in French here.
(10/05/2023) Des guides pour cadrer techniquement le réemploi des matériaux de construction
The material sheets are highlighted in this article in French, available here.
(01/2023) Quand le bois vit, meurt et ressuscite
For a long time too marginal, reuse frames, parquet floors or doors from construction sites becomes an economical solution and sustainable to preserve forests. Somes Bellastock and FCRBE examples are used.
Available in French here.
(30/03/2023) Le réemploi, de la théorie à la pratique.
Highlight on the first Luxembourg digital platform dedicated to the reuse of construction materials.
Available in French here.
(15/03/2023) En quoi la construction circulaire est-elle nécessaire ?
Intro :
Construction and demolition activities generate a third of the waste produced by the European Union. Even if half of them are recycled, their recovery and their reuse are still too low. Beyond the obvious benefits for our planet, circular construction is also based on a new economic logic which must move away from the model of eternal growth that has become untenable.
Meeting with Bruno Domange, Senior Environmental Engineer at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST).
Available in French here.
(2023) "Workshops answer questions on reuse"
The article talks about the 2 workshops that Embuild and Buildwise organised in March and April on collaboration and responsibility. 2 topics on which many questions remain unanswered for reuse entrepreneurs, the target group for these workshops.
You can find the article here.
(11/2022 ) : Les cahiers d’espacesuisse : « Déconstruction et réemploi. Expériences en Belgique et en Europe »
Rotor did a long length interview with les cahiers d’espace suisse which resulted in a synopsis of deconstruction et reuse practices in Belgium and Europe, and where the FCRBE project plays a role today.
You can access the article
here (FR).
(12/2022) Le réemploi des matériaux dans la pratique
Highlight about the FCRBE project on a magazine called "Smart and Sustainable Construction".
Available in French here.
(11/2022) Construction 21: « Quelle place pour les matériaux de réemploi dans un monde industrialisé
Hugo Topalov from Bellastock and Michaël Ghyoot from Rotor teamed up to reflect on what is the place for reclaimed materials in our industrialized world.
It resulted in an article published by construction 21. This collaboration is clearly one of the side effect of the FCRBE project: creating bridges between countries and organisations.
You can access the article
here (FR).
(11/2022) Libération: Quelle culture pour quelle futur? Rencontre. En architecture, « les possibles du réemploi sont infinis"
Chapeau: Victor Meesters, working on the FCRBE project at Rotor gave a short interview for the French newspaper Libération, promoting a low-tech and circular architecture for the futur. As always, we didn’t miss the chance to mention the FCRBE Reuse toolkit and Opalis.
The article is available
here (FR).
October 2022 : Opérations Immobilières (Le Moniteur) : "Construire en réemployant des matériaux de construction"
The october edition of this professional journal is dedicated to reuse of building elements.
In this article, Bellastock invites you to take an immersive walk through the reuse sectors, enhancing Opalis directory and one of the 36 pilot operations of FCRBE project in the city of Tours.
You can find the article here
October 2022: You are still wondering what exactly the FCRBE project is as well as its context? What are its objectives and the first results?
This article in the Swiss magazine Tracé might answers these questions. This article was produced in the framework of the Forum "Bâtir et Planifier" happening on 1 November 2022 in Renan (CH), where Rotor will present the FCRBE Reuse Toolkit.
Read the full article (in French) here !
2022: FCRBE got a mention in the Brussels International Annual Report for 2021!
The Brussels Capital Region has been a great ally for the FCRBE project, supporting Rotor financially by covering part of its match fundings and by following the project development! The FCRBE project got also the chance to have a real impact on the Brussels Capital Region thanks to the involvement and work of Brussels Environment (Brussels public administration in charge of environmental affairs), one of the partners of the FCRBE project.
Read the mention in French (p.35) here!
(Sept 2022) FCRBE and its mobile exhibition featured in the Polish magazine Architektura Murator
As the FCRBE exhibition the 99% get the chance to travel and to meet the Polish audience this summer, the FCRBE project was also featured in the September issue of Architektura Murator, among other projects developed by Rotor.
You can read the article here!
(Sept 2022) European Commission's Green Public Procurement Good Practices: FCRBE NEXTMED Pilot operation as a case study!
The last issue of the European Commission's Green Public Procurement Good Practices featured an FCRBE Pilot operation to illustrate how ti set reclamation targets in a redevelopment tender.
(05/2022) AMC Magazine: FCRBE reuse toolkit
The FCRBE Reuse Toolkit mentioned in the AMC magazine.
(04/2022) NeoMag: FCRBE Material Sheets
Issue #46 of NeoMag presents the project Material Sheets. Available online from: https://fr.calameo.com/read/0054587694fb7c97c378c (p. 68-69)
(03/2022) L'Echo Circulaire: "Matériaux de voirie : les collectivités sur la voie du réemploi"
A clear introduction to the WP Capitalisation
Bellastock gives pride to FCRBE and Opalis through the pilot operation of the Rotor from Quimper station to Nantes, an interview with a company listed on Opalis, and a small insert at the end of the article on the FCRBE project.
You can find the article here.
(02/2022) RTBF.be: "Et si la ville était une mine ? Le réemploi progresse dans le secteur de la construction"
Article on the webpage of the belgian public service broadcaster RTBF that mentions the FCRBE projet and some of its partners.
Link to the article: https://www.rtbf.be/article/et-si-la-ville-etait-une-mine-le-reemploi-progresse-dans-le-secteur-de-la-construction-10923817
(02/2022) Le Moniteur: "Un guide européen pour massifier le réemploi dans les marchés"
The FCRBE's guides to facilitate the practice of reuse in the building sector were presented in an article in the French magazine Le Moniteur.
"Written by the Belgian collective Rotor and the Bellastock architecture agency, the guide "Integrating reuse in large-scale projects and public contracts" has been available in French since the end of January on the website of the North-West Europe Interreg programme. The aim is to provide step-by-step guidance to project owners in defining their needs and using all the tools available to implement reuse in their operations."
"Un guide européen pour massifier le réemploi dans les marchés."
(02/2022) Batiactu: "Réemploi de matériaux : 36 fiches pratiques à destination des architectes"
36 practical sheets for the reuse of materials
Batiactu, a french website that gather information for the building professionals, talks about the FCRBE project and it's 36 practical sheets for the reuse of materials.
You can find the article here.
The 36 practical sheets are also promoted on a Website dedicated to architects at the following link.
(01/2022) Séquences Bois: "FCRBE Project - Technical sheets for the reuse of wood"
Appearance of the Interreg FCRBE project in a magazine dedicated to wood building materials. Read it here.
(01/2022) Cahier Techniques du Bâtiment
Innovation and development of decarbonized industries, those are the subjects covered in an article of the last CTB Magazine.
The Interreg FCRBE project is mentioned as a recent inspiring innovation in the building sector.
Read the full article here.
(16/12/2021) BBC: 'The industry creating a third of the world's waste'
"We have to find a way to create prosperity and added value not by the production of new goods but from the maintenance and management of existing goods,"
Rotor, Bellastock, as well as Duncan Baker Brown, all three partners of the Interreg FCRBE Project intervene in a BBC article about building with reused materials.
Read the full article here: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20211215-the-buildings-made-from-rubbish
(Sept 2021) Expresso - Maissonpassive.be: "Construire circulaire pour un futur durable"
(25/08/2021) Novabuild.fr: “Faire du réemploi une pratique commune dans la construction”
“Faire du réemploi une pratique commune dans la construction” par Jihen Jallouli I L’interview du mois, NOVABUILD
(Jul-Aug 2021) D'Architectures: special issue on reuse
Multiple references to the FCRBE project in a special issue on reuse:
(9/07/2021) Construction Cayola.com: "Réemploi : un chantier pilote à Quimper"
(03/2021) CSTC Contact: Impact environnemental des solutions circulaires
(12/03/2021) Le Moniteur: Special issue on reuse
Multiple references to the FCRBE project in a special issue on reuse:
Le réusage doit encore faire école.
(21/01/2021) Articonnex: "Le projet FCRBE favorise le réemploi des matériaux de construction"
(20/01/2021) Climatico: "Matériaux de ré-emploi, une espèce en voie de ré-apparition"
(25/11/2020) La Fabrique des Quartiers: "Economie circulaire: Entretien avec Rotor"
(26/09/2020) Circubuild.be: Opalis, le “Guide Michelin” du réemploi de matériaux de construction
(Jul-Aug 2020) Bouwbedrijf/Magazine Construction
(14/05/2020) Bouwkroniek: "Hergebruikbaksteen maakt publieke ruimte duurzaam"
(21/04/2021) Liberation: "Maisons de paille, de bois… Des matériaux naturels pour des villes plus écologiques"
(02/2020) Séquence Bois: "Entretien Croisé avec Arnaud Baert (Mineka), Morgan Moinet (Remix), et Victor Meesters (Rotor)"
(01/2020) CSTC Contact: Special edition on circular economy
(17/01/2020) The Architects Journal: "Virtuous circles: Can reusing building materials in new projects go mainstream?"
(9/11/2019): The New Scientist
University of Brighton is quoted in the article ‘No Planet B’ in the 11 Years Column
(12/10/2019) Green Building Encyclopedia: Facilitating Circulation of Reclaimed Building Elements (Project)
(12/09/2019) The RIBA Journal: "Architects have declared, but what do we do next?"
(11/07/2019) Green BUilding: "Salvo in reclamation boost to reduce climate change"
(4/03/2019) La Libre Belgique: “La construction sur la voie de l’économie circulaire”
(20/02/2019) Le Soir: “Construction et économie circulaire : du potentiel et des enjeux, mais le chemin est encore long”
(14/01/2019) L'Echo Circulaire: “Le projet FCRBE facilite le réemploi dans la construction. Bellastock et Collectif Rotor engagés dans ce projet européen Interreg”
(10/12/2018) D'Architectures: "Approbation du projet “Faciliter la mise en circulation des éléments de construction de réemploi”